Sunday, January 15, 2012

It Won't Be Like This for Long

As a preemie D is expected to stay in the newborn phase longer than a term baby.  While this may mean he will stay cuddly longer, it also means it may take longer to get his days and nights straightened out, to sleep through the night, etc.  The last few nights D has decided to wake up in the middle of the night and refuse to go back to sleep.  While we are so lucky he doesn't spend this time screaming or anything, the lack of sleep is taking its toll (as any parent can attest to).  I find myself wishing he was just a little older and we were psat this stage.  I mean, I want to sleep.  I was making lasgna tonight and realized I forgot the noodles!  I need to sleep.  But, this weekend I was in the car and I heard Darius Rucker (yes, Hootie!) sing the words, "it won't be like this for long."  The last 9.5 weeks have gone so quickly and I know the next 9.5 years will too.  Someday I will be wishing D was a little baby again, but it is hard to think that in the middle of the night when I am exhausted.  Good thing Hootie was there to remind me to enjoy every minute of these times, no matter how stressful, confusing or exhausting they are.

Dominic had his 2 month appointment last Monday and he tipped the scales at 9lbs 3oz!  He has more than doubled his weight since he was born.  He measured 20.5 inches.  He is measured against other 2 month olds born at 32 weeks and in that group his weight is in the 89th percentile and his height is in the 77th percentile.  I am so proud of my big boy.  When I look at his chubby face I can hardly remember the 4lb preemie I brought into this world just 2 short months ago.  His peditrician said if he continues gaining well we won't have to fortify my breastmilk anymore, meaning he won't need the extra calories.   

Yesterday I got my first real smile from D.  And it was definitely real, he was wide awake and he wasn't pooping!  At the moment he gave me that toothless grin my heart actually melted!  Today he took his first nap in his crib.  At night he sleeps in our room in a bassinet and he usually sleeps in his bouncy chair during the day.  Since I am going back to work in 2 weeks I figured it was time to work on getting him into his room.  He slept soundly in there for over 2 hours and I probably checked on him 100 times.  I don't know why it's so hard to move him out of our room when his room is right across the hall, but it is!  But, I have to toughen up and I plan to complete the big move this week.

I wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who voted on Facebook in the photo contest.  It was so heartwarming to see all the nice comments (and to realize we had so many people who were willing to humor us!).  Unfortunately, he didn't win.  But that's okay, he's still the cutest little guy in my book!

I realized this week I didn't do a good job taking pictuers.  I'll do better next week :)

The name tag one of the NICU nurses made during one of D's first nights there.  We had it framed and it is hanging in his room.

My little burrito

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