Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Two Months!

D has only been in our lives for 2 months, but now I can't imagine life without him!  In honor of this day I posted our birth story below.  It's pretty long, but it's there if anyone is interested in reading it.

The Rabiola family had a pretty good week.  On Monday we took treats to the hospital.  There were 3 nurses we really wanted to see (2 NICU nurses and the nurse that delivered D) and we were so happy all 3 of them were there!  First we went to the antepartum floor.  It was so weird to walk onto that floor with D.  The nurse was so excited to see him and it sure was nice to see her.  I truly credit the nurses on that floor with keeping me pregnant long enough for D to be healthy.  For that, I will be forever indebted to them.  She told us about a reunion picnic they do in the summer.  We will definitely be going to that!  We weren't able to actually go on the floor of the NICU, but the 2 nurses came out to see us.  They both held him and doted on him.  One of the nurses always loved picking out his outfits, so I made sure he looked extra handsome when we went.  D even woke up for a little bit to visit.  It was os wonderful to see the love they had for a former patient.  Those women were wonderful and they obviously love what they do!

I hate to jinx us, but D is starting to develop a sleep/eating pattern.  He takes his last bottle around 9:30pm and then sleeps until 3.  Then, he eats again around 9am.  You may be thinking this sounds great and the first block is, but after the 3am feeding he likes to be awake until 4:30 or 5.  He doesn't really fuss, he just wants to be held and look around.  Since I'm not back to work yet it's not horrible, but man, I wish he would do that at his 3pm feeding instead of his 3am feeding!

It's amazing how much D continues to grow.  He is now out of newborn clothes and is into his 0-3mos clothes!  He has what seems like 100 0-3mos outfits.  So, I am going to have fun putting him in all of them.  It's hard to believe less than 2 months ago he was swimming in preemie clothes and now he is wearing the size he would have worn if he was born full-term.  I am so proud of my big boy and we are so blessed he is healthy! 

He has his 2 month well-visit tomorrow.  I am already dreading the shots.  We have decided to follow an alternative vaccination schedule.  He will get some of the regular 2 month vaccines, but not all of them at once.  Our pediatrician is wonderful and she is happy to work with us so that we are comfortable with the vaccines.  I definitely want D to be fully vaccinated, but he is smaller than a typical 2 month old so I just feel better spreading out his shots and we are lucky to have a doc who supports this.

It really is amazing how quickly the past two months have gone!  I love seeing D grow and change, but I also want him to stay a baby forever!!

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