Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Happened to My Preemie?

Because there really isn't anything "preemie" about him these days.  He seems like a typical 3.5 month old.  He is cooing, smiling and "standing" in my lap. He gets mad when we don't feed him fast enough and he smiles when we tickle his chins (notice I said chins and not neck).  He stares at himself in the mirror and he studies my mouth when I sing to him.  I love watching him change before my eyes, but it makes me sad that these days are flying by.  Friday I got to go to Carters and drop a pretty penny to buy his 6 month wardrobe, which was fun.  But, I spent today packing up all of his 3 month clothes.  I felt like such a sap going through every piece and smelling them and folding them and putting them away.  I am glad I have this blog because I don't want to forget a single minute of these times!
There are weeks I feel like I have nothing to write in this blog, but hten I realize that's a good thing.  When I started this blog I spent my time dwelling on ounces gained and irregular heartrates.  I am so happy I don't have to worry about those things.  If the hardest thing I have to deal with is packing up D's 3 month clothes, I consider myself pretty darn lucky!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

All is Well...

But it didn't feel that way earlier in the week.  Last weekend we noticed a lump on the back of D's head.  I was really thinking it was just a swollen lymph node, so I didn't panic.  I took him to the doctor and she told me it was NOT a lymph node and she wasn't sure what it was.  So, she sent us down the street to the hospital for an ultrasound.  The looked at his brain and the lump.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any answers from the ultrasound and he was scheduled for an MRI at another hospital on Thursday.  The doctor told us we would then have an appointment at Riley sometime after the MRI.  There is just something about being told you have to take your kid to Riley that just scares you.  While the MRI itself was painless, getting his IV was horrible.  It took 4 tries and 3 nurses.  D was screaming and I was sobbing.  I just hated that my little man had to be back in the hospital and was in pain  Luckily, the lump was diagnosed as a heamngioma, which is a benign mass of tissue and blood vessels that will eventually go away.  We likely won't have to have it removed, but our appointment at Riley will serve to hopefully confirm that.  We have joked that D is really trying hard to be an only child by putting us through all of these scares!
We did find out that he is up to 12 lbs and measures 23 inches.  It's hard to believe just 3 short months ago he was only 4 lbs, 16.5 inches and living in an isolet.  Now, he is a growing baby who brings tears to my eyes everytime he smiles.  And, yesterday he giggled for the first time.  It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard!  Also, he slept through the night last night!  11:30pm - 8am.  I shot awake at 6:22 when I realized he hadn't woken up yet.  I checked on him and laid back down.  I couldn't really go back to sleep myself because I kept expecting him to wake up.  I'm not getting my hopes up, but I am hoping this trend continues!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our New Normal

Well, we all survived my first week back to work!  As much as I loved being home with D, I really feel better now that I am back to work.  It is nice to have a schedule (or at least the beginnings of one).  Our new family of 3 is working together to get into some sort of routine.  It looks like getting up early enough to pump, feed D, unload the dishwasher, make the bottles for the day and load up the dirty bottles is our new normal.  And, to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.  The drive home every night is the best.  I am so excited to get home and see my little man.  I am learning to appreciate every minute with D.  I am also learning how to do other pump at work.  I generally don't discuss my pumping too often, but last week's comedy of errors deserve to be recorded.  I bought a 2nd pump to leave at work because, let's be honest, I would constantly forget parts of it if I was hauling it back and forth.  So, last Sunday night I got it all packed up and felt good about the upcoming week.  Well, Monday morning I hang my "Pumping: Do Not Enter" sign on my office door and start hooking up the pump when I notice I have forgotten the tubes.  So, I ended up only working a half day because I had to go home to pump.  Tuesday I spilled half of the milk I pumped.  They say don't cry over spilled milk, wel "they" don't have trouble making enough milk for their babies.  Thursday I realized I washed a necessary part of the pump down the drain and I had to go to the store to buy a replacement.  So, to recap: Day 1=fail, Day 2=fail, Day 3=success, Day 4=fail, Day 5=success.  Let's hope this week is better!

Dominic got his Synagis shot on Saturday and he weighed in at 11lbs 9oz!  It is amazing how happy my baby's weight makes me.  I love knowing he is growing into a healthy boy.

Well, here goes week 2 of being a working mom!

D and his lady friend, Harper

D trying to decide which Sowers girl to pursue

Too bad he won't be allowed to date until he is 30!

Nothing better than a freshly bathed baby
